Publisher Code of Ethics

Professional ethics are the foundation of an organization. If they are clear, firm and diligently maintained, our ethics can support great endeavors. Ethics represent our vital standards documented as the principles we believe in, the values to which we adhere, and the practices we follow. Unwavering adherence to high ethical standards will benefit those we serve, those to whom we are accountable and ourselves. While the results of our efforts will always be of critical importance, ethics focus on the choices we make in our endeavors. Our professional ethics include:


Maintain high standards of personal conduct, practicing honesty in all our professional relationships and endeavors. Be truthful in actions and words. Let decisions and deeds be based on the greater good, and not personal advantage. Actively avoid the occurrence or the appearance of a conflict of interest by meeting the highest standards. Use fairness, impartiality, and objectivity to guide decisions.


Treat those with whom we work, and those we serve, with civility and consideration. Actively strive to merit respect, trust and confidence of colleagues, customers and the public.


Exercise due professional care in the performance of every aspect of our work. Diligently devote our time, abilities, and energies to responsibilities and duties.


Perform our professional duties with dependability, being watchful of the compliance aspects of our profession that are so critical to our service role. Embrace accountability for our work and service. Fully understand and be responsive to the needs of those we serve and always strive for the highest level of performance. Work to uphold the letter and spirit of our policies and regulations.


Be trustworthy with confidential information, but mindful of appropriate disclosure obligations. Appropriately protect privileged information and follow established procedures to inquiries for public information.