New clues identified, in what seems a blatantly amusing sailor snatch of the Utah monolith.
Was Utah Monolith Swiped by 10 Strong San Francisco Sailors?
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MEXORC 2024 and PV Race deliver more wins, less wind. San Diego Yacht Club, Puerto Vallarta Yacht Club host international sailing regattas.
Dec 31, 2021 | Sailing, Lifestyle
New clues identified, in what seems a blatantly amusing sailor snatch of the Utah monolith.
Nov 29, 2020 | Sailing
Shakespeare for sailors: foredeck in the era of Shakespeare for Sailors days, and the modern gripe of not beer.
Oct 17, 2020 | Sailing
Annual Womens Sailing Seminar, November 13 to 15, shifts to online format.
Sep 10, 2020 | Editorial, Sailing
The best learn to sail boats are a dinghy or small keelboat.