Chili and (friendly) chidings on New Years Day Master Mariner race 2023.
Renegade Sailing profiles the loves and lives of sailors, waterside living and on-the-water sport adventures. We adore classic yachts and follow America’s Cup. Catch whimsical writing about marine technology gear, stylish seaside fashions, coastal decor, and of course being on the water.
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Solo Ocean Making Waves: Man with Mission to Break 35
Solo ocean racer Captain Donald Lawson plans to take on 35 offshore sailing records aboard Defiant, one of the world’s fastest sailing vessels.
Build Small Boat Dory: Super Car Topper 12-foot Nesting Dory
Build small boat as a 12-foot nesting dory car-topper. Video included.
Wonderful Wheels to Waves–Cycling 38-Miles at 5am
New foredeck recruit cycles 38-miles at 5am to reach J105 North Americans 2022.
Was Utah Monolith Swiped by 10 Strong San Francisco Sailors?
New clues identified, in what seems a blatantly amusing sailor snatch of the Utah monolith.
Shakespeare for Sailors: It’s Great to See 1 Bard Aboard
Shakespeare for sailors: foredeck in the era of Shakespeare for Sailors days, and the modern gripe of not beer.
Super Talent at 28th Annual Womens Sailing Seminar
Annual Womens Sailing Seminar, November 13 to 15, shifts to online format.